

HOME»  »  2023年新米!栽培期間・農薬化学肥料不使用 雫石町産あきたこまち精米5キロ(1キロ✖️5袋)No pesticides or fertilizers, 5 kilograms of polished rice

2023年新米!栽培期間・農薬化学肥料不使用 雫石町産あきたこまち精米5キロ(1キロ✖️5袋)No pesticides or fertilizers, 5 kilograms of polished rice

五代目徳田慎太郎のお米は、宮沢賢治の愛した七ツ森の麓で美しい山々に囲まれた雫石の美味しい水と厳しい自然に育まれたお米です。 休耕畑を再利用し、農薬堆肥肥料:栽培期間中不使用で、自然の力を最大限に活かしながら、持続可能な農業と最高水準のおいしさを目指し栽培しております。また、海外輸出を行っており国内外問わず安心して頂ける品質管理のため2021年岩手県版農業生産工程管理(岩手県版GAP)取得 登録番号21I000051-R-1号(期限2022年7月)

農薬堆肥肥料:栽培期間中不使用でお米栽培の要である日々の水管理徹底。収穫後、お米の成分を壊さないようじっくり時間をかけ昔ながらの水分製法基準およそ16%弱を目指し遠赤外線で乾燥調整。色選機を利用し粒が大きく白いお米に仕上げています。年間一定して15度以下の米保存と出荷日精米(店舗精米2ヶ月以内管理)一年中、新米のような新鮮なお米と驚きのおいしさをお届けします。 農薬堆肥肥料不使用米は収穫量が減りますが食味が上がり、より美味しいお米になると言われています。水分率が高いため、もっちりとした玄米をお楽しみいただけます!

▼ Product overview
Shintaro Tokuda `s rice flour is grown in Shizukuishi, surrounded by beautiful mountains at the foot of Nanatsumori(East japan), which was loved 
by Kenji Miyazawa(*1). We reuse fallow fields and do not use pesticides or compost fertilizers during the cultivation period. 
In addition, we are exporting overseas ,in 2021 we acquired the Iwate prefecture version of agricultural production process management 
(Iwate prefecture version of GAP) registration number 21I000051-R-1 for quality control that you can rest assured of regardless of whether it is domestic or overseas.
You can easily enjoy professional taste. Breed is "Akita Komachi", the pride of Tohoku(East japan), where you can enjoy the original deliciousness 
of rice!!Please try it!! Especially we are recommended for people with wheat allergies.

*1 japan well know ”airy tale writer”
search →(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenji_Miyazawa)
▼ Cultivation/production method, commitment
We aren`t using "Pesticides, compost and fertilizer"  during the cultivation period, daily water management is the key to rice cultivation. 
We store the rice at a constant temperature of 15 degrees or less throughout the year, and because we are a farmer, we mill freshly milled rice 
and manage inventory to deliver freshly made rice flour.

Activities to create a “universal” society from agricultureSEVEN FOREST PROJECT

*CAUTION about  International shipping 
This product is International shipping available.
Shipping fee is added separately. We will let you know about you place after your order.

★Cultivation period/No pesticides, compost, or chemical fertilizers (straw plowing)
★ No bactericides used
★Utilization of fallow fields and mountainous areas
★ Cultivation management by introducing ICT
* Far infrared drying
★ Moisture content is about 15.5% when drying adjustment (Note: Moisture content decreases after drying adjustment, so it is not uniform throughout the year)

  • 2023年新米!栽培期間・農薬化学肥料不使用 雫石町産あきたこまち精米5キロ(1キロ✖️5袋)No pesticides or fertilizers, 5 kilograms of polished rice

  • 販売価格


  • 在庫


